
Knighton Men’s Shed is open on Monday and Wednesday from 10am-2pm and offers the opportunity to learn new skills or revive old ones.

The Shed is located at Teme Mill, Station Yard, Knighton, Powys, LD7 1DT

Please consider joining the Knighton Men's Shed if you would like to:

  •  Undertake some activity in the company of others
  •  Spend time with like-minded men with whom you can work and talk
  •  Participate in some joint endeavour
  •  Find friendship and companionship
  •  Provide help and support to yourself and others
  •  Make use of the workshop or other facilities
  •  Learn new skills or revive old ones
  •  Make a contribution to the community
  •  Have some fun

The fees to become a Member of The Knighton Men's Shed are just £10 per annum, plus a 'session fee' of £3 per entry when making items to raise Shed funds or when making or repairing personal items. Tea or coffee and a biscuit is also available.

You can find out more about us by contacting John Thorogood, Knighton Men's Shed Secretary, on: or, phone John for an initial chat in confidence on: 07925-3577782